Teach The Body To Eliminate Fat And Build Lean Muscle

Are you ready to begin muscle-building? Stay up-to-date with correct training strategies and you'll get ripped very quickly. These kinds of tactics may be used by anyone aiming to achieve a physique with lean muscle mass. If you fail to monitor calories burned you'll never achieve maximum success.

Are you aware that a great diet and eating routine is the most important factor with fat reduction? Fat gain is a body builder's or exercise model's number one fear. Eating more calories than we burn off results in putting on weight. Once we lose fat, our fat cells get smaller. Bulking and cutting are widely used by bodybuilders to gain a lot of fat weight and then physical exercise to burn that fat. Maintaining this particular lifestyle can be challenging on your body.

Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Diet

It's hard to find a diet that works well. Eating habits are the most crucial element with regards to fat reduction. Maintain your bodyweight by eating a lot more plant-based food. As our bodies get bigger, they need a lot more energy. In order to shed weight, take in five hundred calories less daily. As we continuously train and consume nutrient dense foods, our body will use fat as stamina. The lower our overall body fat, the more lean muscle we have.

In order to lose weight, you must stick to a well-balanced diet plan. Exercising every day while burning around 500 to 1,000 calories each day can get you sculpted fast. Fat burning pills don't work. Don't try them. Eating more fruit and veggies has helped many people lose weight. After eating fruit, you'll experience more energy and vitality.

Continue to be Fat by Missing Sleep

The simplest way to restore muscles is through sleep. A great deal of bodybuilders spend more time asleep than being awake which may seem odd but is true. We do not grow while working out. We develop when our body is resting. Be sure to get 8 hours of sleep per night.

Not Eating Enough Food Will Keep You Fat 

I know this seems insane. This concept is hard for many people to grasp. The body can keep fat stores to make sure it has plenty of stamina. We have to eat to shed weight. This is probably the most debatable weight loss issue out there. Eat more food and I'll get slimmer? Yep. It's really that easy.

Tired of working out and not seeing results? Check out MJFitness.com for great articles on how to get ripped fast, best protein shakes, and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Alan_Johnson

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7791528

8 Ideas to Kick the Nasty Smoking Habit Forever

Smoking over many years ends up becoming a nasty habit - one that is quite hard to shed! The truth is, smoking is just one of those habits that are so hard to give up. Many people have attested to this fact. That said, there is hope for any person out there who is serious about giving up this nasty habit for good.
If you don't think smoking is a nasty habit then this article is not for you. Delete it. If you agree it no longer has a place in your life, keep reading, you will be very glad you did. Be sure to visit the resource box at the end of the article.

The tips offered in this article address the process of transitioning from a smoking lifestyle into one that is smoke free.

1. Doctors are able to prescribe for you smoker medications that can help you stop the habit for good. For you to get this medication, you may be required to undergo a routine physical where the doctor will capture all the details about your medical history and information about any other medication that you are taking or have previously taken. Some of the medicines that a doctor can prescribe for you may be covered by your insurance provider. These medications work by numbing the pleasure related sensors found in your brain that make you want to light and puff that cigarette.

2. Some smokers are able to quit smoking without the aid of any medication. Instead, they opt to use nicotine replacement therapies which are readily available. These therapies involve the use nicotine lozenges, gums and patches. These forms of therapies have helped many people over the years to kick the nasty habit of smoking.

3. There are other groups of people who attempt to quit smoking cold turkey. This simply means that they try to quit the habit without any form of therapy or medication. Much as it is not the best option for every smoker out there, there are people who have the strength to try it. If you feel you are one of such rare people, you can choose to try this option.

4. That said, majority smokers fell that the best option is to slowly wean themselves off the cigarette. This means that they smoke less and lesser up until they reach a point that they feel like they no longer have to smoke anymore. The nicotine replacement therapy is one that has worked for many smokers who successfully shed that habit. This therapy works by giving one's body nicotine without necessarily having to smoke it. The levels of nicotine become lesser and lesser until a point where the body does not expect it anymore. The nicotine is given to the body in form of nicotine patches that are placed on dry and clean skin. The patch should be placed on a different area of the skin every day. A word of caution here: Do not smoke while you are wearing a nicotine patch. Doing this will cause a delivery of excessive amounts of nicotine to your body's system.

5. People who have successfully quit smoking find that it helps to record their progress in a journal. In this journal they detail how much they smoke as well as their emotional and medical status at the time. The truth is that quitting smoking can cause one to feel irritated, angry or even depressed. Jotting down any of these feelings can help one to work on them in a positive manner.

6. Exercise more. Exercises result in reduced stress levels and also reduce tensions. A good exercise regimen also helps one to shed extra weight and gives one a feel good feeling. All these make the process of quitting smoking easier on the individual.

7. Along with exercise is the need to stick to a healthy diet. A good diet equals more energy for your body and a reduced level of depression.

It is important that you let the people close to you know that you are in the process of trying to quit smoking. Informing people close to you is important because they will give you the much needed support and they will also encourage you when you are affected by moods associated with the process of quitting the habit of smoking.

8. There is no denying that quitting smoking is a hard hard thing to do. That said, it can be done! Many people have done it before. Sometimes you will fail and when you do, pick yourself up and start again but this time round, make the necessary adjustments to make sure that you will not fail again because of the same thing.

Visit the resource box below to learn what you really want to do and haven't been successfully - Yet. You'll be glad you did.

You are invited to visit http://www.QuitSmokingRegainLife.net to learn HOW YOU CAN QUIT SMOKING AND REGAIN LIFE You'll be glad you did.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Larry_L._Taylor

The Food Pyramid Is Making Us Fat

The food pyramid is advocated by many health authorities worldwide as the healthy way to eat and stay lean and slim.

However, obesity is still growing at an alarming rate.

According to World Health Organization, the obesity rate doubled since 1980. In 2008, there are 1.4 billion obese adults.

For the last 30 years, health experts and authorities kept advocating about the food pyramid but obesity rate is still on the rise, in fact it doubled. This is a cause for alarm that something is seriously wrong.

If what the health authorities believed about the food pyramid is true and that it is a healthy way to eat, then why it is that the obesity rate is growing?

The truth is the food pyramid recommended way of eating is making us grow fat.

The food pyramid recommends us to eat 7 to 11 servings of rice and alternatives, 2 to 3 servings each of meat, vegetables and fruits and less use of oil and fats. This is also what many people called the balanced diet where you eat food from across all the food categories.

The idea of the balanced diet is flawed because human beings were never built to eat in such a way.

Why do I say so?

Thousands of years ago when there were no technologies for distribution and transportation of food, what do we eat and survive on?

If you were a fisherman, you would go and fish every day and ate only fishes for food.

If you were a hunter, you would go and hunt for animals and ate only animals for food.

If you were a fisherman, you lived by the sea, how would you get access to the other food like, vegetables, fruits, rice and grains? How do you eat according to the balanced diet?

You do not eat according to the balanced diet; you simply eat what you catch. You will eat only fish.
The idea of eating a balanced diet is flawed, we do not need a balanced diet and the food pyramid is wrong in one main area.

The food pyramid is wrong with the recommendation of 7 to 11 servings of rice and alternatives like breads, pasta, cereals and starchy vegetables.

Rice and alternatives are commonly known as carbohydrates. The recommendation of 7 to 11 servings of these carbohydrates is the main cause of our obesity.

If you were a fisherman, where do you get your carbohydrates? All you ate were fishes.

The truth is we do not need a lot of carbohydrates. The recommendation of the food pyramid is too much for our bodies that is why we are growing fat.

As a fisherman, you get proteins, nutrients and fish oil from the fishes you ate. These are all the essential things our bodies need. Our bodies do not need 7 to 11 servings of carbohydrates every day.

You grow fat due to the excessive intake of carbohydrates.

At one time, I was also skeptical when a good friend told me that carbohydrates were the cause of my obesity.

Because I had exhausted all means to lose weight, I thought that there was no harm giving it a try.
I learnt to reduce my carbohydrate intake and I lose over 20 kilograms in 7 months.

Learn to adopt any good low carbohydrate diet, approach or program and learn to cut and reduce your carbohydrate intake and experience it for yourself.

This is the truth; excessive intake of carbohydrate according to the food pyramid's recommendation makes us grow fat.

If you would like to adopt a low carbohydrate approach, please take a preview of our eBook from this link,

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joel_Edwin_Peng

Driving Phobia Tips - How Can I Overcome Driving Fear?

Many of us secretly bear anxiety and fear while driving vehicles. In fact, particular driving phobia affects millions of people. According to recent study, at least 1 in 10 individuals suffer from phobias including driving anxiety. The disorder is more common in women than in men.

Driving phobia is a very high, often irrational, form of anxiousness. According to The National Institute of Phobia the sufferers of this type of phobia often experience panic strikes and go out of their way to stay away from what they fear. If you suffer from a driving phobia, then you may find it barely possible to drive a car, so that you may need to stop your car mid-drive.

Sometimes the cause of driving phobia is not clear. Even if now you feel completely secure while driving, later you may develop heightened fright related to being in a car. However, it is often a driving phobia begins after witnessing or experiencing a vehicle accident. Sometimes it also develops after driving through bad weather or at a terrible night giving stress to the driver.

Signs of a driving phobia include nausea, panic attacks, pain, depressed feeling, intense headaches, sweats, anger feeling, driving nightmare, trouble sleeping, sore eyes, swallow difficulty, and increased sensitivity. While mild phobia is not a straightaway safety endangerment, driving while struggling with a particular driving phobia is not safe. If you suffer from driving phobia, you may behave erratically and irrationally or may experience a panic attack while driving, which could be disturbing to others. Thus, it is very important to overcome a driving phobia before you continue to drive.

There are many tips to overcome your driving fear as described below:
  1. Make sure you have checked your eyes. It is probable that part of your insecurities about driving to not seeing hazardous objects until they are very close to you. The ability to reading traffic signs further ahead provides you with better time to respond.

  2. Take a course of safe driving. This kind of course will increase your confidence as you understand the requirements and techniques for safer driving.

  3. Before you drive, try to do things that can help you lessening your tension. For example, you can go on the treadmill or do something else requiring skill and attention. Throw away any irrational bases for your driving fear. Avoid thinking only about having to drive. Instead, engaging in an informal conversation about common topics is good to keep your mind diverted from thoughts of driving.

  4. Prepare yourself to go. It means you should check for your tank of gas, license, registration, toll money in advance. If possible, you can prepare your clothes the night before when you need to drive in the morning. It is also good to use the bathroom before you start driving. Thus, you do not bother about these things as you are already anxious about driving.

  5. Plan your route before leaving. Understanding your route in advance is beneficial whether you are utilizing GPS or not. To feel more ready you can also schedule your driving times for less busy traffic and times. For example, you can try to leave for work early to avoid the rush hour. Acknowledge which routes have more truck traffic, so you can reroute your trip to avoid distraction from those big trucks.

  6. Decrease distractions while driving. Turn off your mobile phone. Do not chat with passengers. Turn off the radio, unless it is your favorite radio station that makes you relax. Driving is serious matter. It is essential that you keep your eyes on the road ahead you.

  7. Breathe deeply for a few seconds throughout your driving journey. If you start feeling panic, try to calm yourself down by breathing more slowly. If the panic persists, pull over to the side of the road so you can feel better to continue driving. Keep telling yourself that you can drive well and will arrive at your destination securely.

  8. Reward yourself every time you arrive at your destination. Congratulate yourself for what you have accomplished. Even when other people do not think driving is a big deal, keep doing that as in fact it is a major accomplishment. Celebrate your own success.

  9. If you rarely drive, then high-speed interstate highways busy city streets could be frightening for you. Do not rush. It is important to build up your confidence gradually. You can begin with short drives to nearby library, park, or grocery store. Every time you can pass the route without any incident, you can become more confident.

  10. In your free time while you are not driving try to get a CD that uses self-hypnosis to help decreasing your driving anxiety. Some people found that after listening to it for several times they can overcome their driving fear that comes particularly when crossing bridge, facing hectic traffic or passing interstate highways.

  11. Do not worry if you get lost while driving as it is actually an opportunity to explore. Finding your way home through unfamiliar path can boost your confidence and open up new areas to conquer. In case you become overly panicked to drive, you can always ask a family member or a friend to come and pick you up. It is dangerous to drive while being extremely panicked. It may deter you from desiring to drive in the future.
After all, treatments for driving phobia fully depend on the subject and the level of the phobia itself. To diagnose severity of your driving phobia, a trained, medical professional can help and recommend the right medication or counseling to treat it. Often the doctor or psychologist uses the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help suffered individual learning a new thought path to avoid driving fear.

Stalis Ethica is an experienced SEO writer and a writer manager with scientific background. She specializes in writing informative articles in various niches.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stalis_Ethica

Uncovered Truth: Personal Trainers Are To Blame For American Obesity

The question everyone's asking is why are these numbers so bad? In fact, the media contacted me to get an expert opinion on why the health and fitness of Americans is declining at such epidemic rates.

This may surprise you, but the fitness industry, and more specifically personal trainers, are largely to blame for the poor numbers on the CDC report.

Let's discuss why. Take New Year's Resolutions for example, as I know most are familiar with this scenario. Every year, droves of people head to a local health club inspired and ready to finally get fit and healthy, only to be disappointed and quit after just 30 days. It's almost become a joke among gym owners who know every year a large number of new people will join and within 30 days will never be seen again. Sad!

More often than not, the reason those people failed is because the so called "fitness professional" didn't do their job and provide what's necessary to achieve success in the first place.

The most overlooked component of any fitness program is the measurement of progress. There's lots of programming being offered out there, but not a whole lot of measuring going on.

A mentor of mine, John Ashworth, states it very well in saying, "When it all comes down to it, our job as fitness professionals is really a matter of encouraging and inspiring the adoption of healthy habits. And not just to encourage them, but to find a simple and effective means of measuring that action and adoption of behaviors over time."

Simply put, a personal trainers job is to track, measure and report back to participants on their adherence to their program on a consistent basis!

I've had countless new clients join my program who were previously with another personal trainer, and when asked during the assessment if they've ever had this done before the answer is no. Again... sad!
Let's be clear...

Personal training is assessment; you can't have one without the other! If you're working out with a personal trainer and not tracking behaviors and measuring actions, you're not receiving personal training!
You're just working out, that's it!

What you're doing is wandering around in the dark with no flash light hoping to end up in the right place. You're all alone, and if your personal trainer is giving you advice without analyzing the numbers and looking at food journals he or she is guessing.

A personal trainer's ability to provide adequate, efficient, and logical programming depends on consistent assessment and re - assessment to measure the adoption of healthy habits over time.

Goals without measurement are simply dreams!

Insist that your personal trainer does an assessment every 90 days minimum to measure your progress, update your goals, and provide an action plan to get you from point A to point B.

Before you commit yourself to just any program have due diligence and make sure the program and trainers have integrity. You can start by asking these 5 questions:

Certifications? - Ensure your instructors are certified! This may seem like a no brainer but don't assume that just because the instructors work at a gym that they are certified.

Experience? - Even more important than a certification is experience! Be sure that the program and trainers you're investing in are backed by years of experience.

Proven Results? - Talking the talk is easy, but walking the walk is another story. Make sure what your trainer claims is true, and insist they show you proven success stories.

Structured System? - It is easy to throw a few exercises together and call it personal training. As the consumer you must make sure that the program is structured and has a very precise system to ensure safe forward progress.

Progress Assessment? - Make sure the program includes consistent measurement and assessment of actions and behaviors.

When making an investment in your health be picky and don't settle for a substandard fitness program. When making your choice, if you can confirm with confidence that the program has integrity, then you have a winner on your hands and with commitment you should be very successful.

On the other hand if you fail to make what we talked about here a priority you could be setting yourself up for certain failure and possible injury.

Chris Gray is the owner of Punch Kettlebell Gym Dover, Dover's premier personal training center. If you're ready to begin your fitness and fat loss journey please call 1-302-730-1600 right now to receive a complimentary private fitness and health Consultation (valued at $87).

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_M_Gray

Causes of Obesity or Overweight

Often times, we dream about having a perfect body without totally restricting our food intake. But who says there is a magic trick for weight loss?

You might have heard yourself asking the question "Why am I overweight?" and people would tell you it must be your caloric intake. The truth is, consuming more calories than what your body can burn is not always the culprit. You may think that your daily diet is the reason behind those excess pounds but in reality, there is so much to consider before you can pin point the exact cause.

 Lack of SleepAccording to various researches, lack of sleep can lead to obesity. People who sleep less than 6 hours everyday tend to eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and calories. Consequently, overindulgence in high-calorie foods can trigger weight gain and obesity.

Sleep can help maintain the hormonal balance in the body. Now if you don't get enough rest, your level of hormones may start to go down and this can cause imbalance in your system. With hormone depletion, you are likely to feel hungry most of the time. This explains why you tend to starve even after eating.
Sedentary Lifestyle

Do you have the best exercises in your weight loss program or did you just leave it out of the equation? The problem is that we want to shed those excess pounds and keep a fit and healthy body but we refuse to sweat it out. According to experts, engaging in physical activities can help support your weight loss efforts. Getting enough physical exercise can help burn the calories from your stored fats in the body.
For many years, it has been proven by medical experts that the most effective way to lose weight is a combination of cutting back your caloric intake and burning more calories through regular exercise. Losing weight and keeping it off is way better than starting all over again. Remember that the heavier you are, the more difficult it is to shed those excess pounds in the body.

Food Intake
Do you eat too often? According to experts, people who eat a lot tend to gain more weight rapidly. Regular eating which may result from feeling sad, angry or overly emotional can cause overweight or obesity. In this case, the food becomes an alternate-medication for people who overindulge in food when they become emotional. When they feel happy or gloomy, food makes them feel more relaxed.

Overindulgence in "comfort" foods can actually lead to weight gain. If you wish to shed those excess in the pounds in the body, make sure you restrict your food intake every time you feel very emotional. It is totally fine to indulge in your favorite comfort food but you should also know when to stop.

Why am I overweight? This is quite a common question we hear from many people. Whether they are complaining about their love handle or flabby arms, it all boils down to one word- overweight. Apart from ensuring that you perform some of the best exercises early in the morning, don't forget that daily diet plays a very important role in losing weight. With the right kind of food and regular exercise, you can shed those pounds and lose weight in no time.

If you are asking Why Am I Overweight and you want to learn more about this, to make a better solution check Holistic Health Practitioner for more information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_V_Timothy

The Forgotten Mind

There I was, at 7:20 am on a Sunday, trying desperately to not add more fear and anxiety to my frightening physical symptoms. My fight or flight response was well on its way to completely consuming me and there was no way out. I was trapped. I tried to do some deep breathing like I was told, but I couldn't catch my breath. I tried to distract myself and play some music, but I was in too deep. It was only a matter of time before the feelings of choking, trembling, numbness in my arms, complete unsteadiness and dizziness led me to take action and call emergency - after all at that moment what else can you do? Thankfully, I had my trusty bottle of Clonazepam nearby and I was able to numb some of my feelings through this anti- anxiety pill. But I knew in the back of my mind that this wasn't the end. I knew it was just a matter of time before I would be completely overtaken by these feelings that the fear would bring on again.

When you suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and experience panic attacks on a regular basis, you bring along with you certain physical symptoms throughout the day - symptoms such as feeling a lump in the throat, dizziness and headaches - compared to sudden feelings like body zaps, heart palpitations, numbness and shaking. Those can be so frightening and alarming that they could leave you with major panic attacks which then lead to more confusion when they subside. They always subside. The thing is, what you practice is what you manifest and since the human brain is the most complex object in the universe, I needed to come up with new strategies consciously but also subconsciously. Subconsciously? Yes - the subconscious mind where the amygdala is deals with emotions, memory processing and how we react to the triggers of fear and stress. So along with having a conscious plan of attack to overcome your debilitating anxiety levels and panic attacks, it's important to implement the two most powerful ways to reprogram your subconscious mind: Mantras and Visualization. Never heard of them before you say? When you hold an image in your mind you stimulate the subconscious into accepting it as part of your reality, and when you repeat a certain mantra that you want repeatedly with great emotion behind it, you begin to apply a new program into your computer that begins to look for things that empower you rather then lead to self- destruction.

Voltaire once said, "Common sense is not so common," and it's true. There are many things we already know we need to do in order to regain control of our mental health and our lives, but few of us actually execute them on a daily basis. I'll give you an example of the power of repetition. When I was a young boy I was fed tennis ball after tennis ball by my tennis coaches trying to build a weapon that was my forehand, which was the most practiced shot for me. My coaches wouldn't let me move on to a new shot until my forehand was a consistent weapon of mass destruction on the tennis court, and my opponents feared hitting to that side of mine. Well, when I grew up and I hit my peak height of 5 foot 9, I had decent speed and a decent serve, but a forehand that led me to many victories completely on its own. It was then that I started to realize the power of repetition.

So, take some time and come up with some ideas on how you can implement these two powerful subconscious tools to reprogram your subconscious mind, and believe me when you begin to make this a daily ritual in your life, you will find that what you once feared is now just a distant memory.

Become inspired through a professional athletes story about overcoming extreme anxiety levels as well as other mental health issues. I'll show you how I completely and naturally recovered in a matter of 10 days after suffering for 6 years at http://www.anxietyend.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dennis_A_Simsek

Massage Therapists Feel Your Pain

How can massage help with pain? Many of my clients initially come for a massage because they are dealing with a part of their body that hurts. They instinctively know that massaging the area will make it feel better and speed the healing process. Either they have tried themselves or had a friend try without getting the pain to go away.

What does your pain feel like to me? Hot, hard and tender are often the words I use. Is the area hot to the touch relative to the surrounding area? Heat indicates inflammation. Sometimes the area will be swollen and reddish in addition to being hot. Swollen tissue suggests that the body recognizes the area is injured and floods it with fluids to provide an internal splint. Or the tissue itself can be damaged and fluid is pooling. As the amount of fluid increases in the area, the fluid puts pressure on the surrounding nerves causing them to register more pain. Ice and gentle pumping of the tissue can relieve this pain

The area can feel hard to the touch. Hardness comes in all shapes and sizes. The entire area can be hard, again another indicator of inflammation. The muscles can also respond to an injury by clamping down and guarding the area. Particular bands within the muscle may be hard. Often when people talk about knots in a muscle, this is what they are describing. The muscle has lost some or all of its flexibility. Over time the hardness restricts the flow of blood into and out of the area. When this happens the circulatory system cannot bring in oxygen and nutrients or remove cellular waste. As a result, the tissue becomes more painful. Massaging the area and stretching the tissue can restore the circulation, improve the suppleness of the tissue and reduce the pain.

Or the hard areas may be much smaller, pea size or even less. These might indicate trigger points. Pressure to these spots will cause pain in other areas of the body besides just that spot. Trigger points are even less widely understood and require special skill to address. I have helped clients experience dramatic results with trigger point work.

Finally, is it tender to the touch? Tender can refer to the response from the client. Does it cause you to wince? Tender can also refer to the tissue itself. Does the tissue in the area feel weak, having less structure? Often this is caused by tissue in other areas pulling and putting a strain on the area. For instance, pain between the shoulder blades is often caused by overly tight pectoral muscles in the front. Working to loosen these muscles relieves the pain in the back.

Again, pain is a complex issue. Massage is a great way to address the issue. The more your therapist knows about pain and the clearer your communication back and forth, the better the outcome.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rob_Hundley

Ways to Stay Healthy: How to Manage Caregivers Stress

There are ways to stay healthy and manage a caregivers stress. Learning how to keep healthy is not as complicated as the media and food industry would like it to be. In fact, it is actually quite simple.
It is possible that you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious about all that needs to get done and that is creating more stress in your life.

You may have some knowledge about how to maintain your health but when you are suddenly confronted with an overload of caregiving tasks, coupled with work. Where do you find the energy or the time to learn more?

Unfortunately, 49% of all caregivers in the U.S. are also employed full time which leaves very little time to care for yourself. Working full time and caring for someone else can throw you off balance and leave you feeling fatigued. You may find yourself reaching for a quick fix just to increase your energy temporarily.
What causes low energy? What is energy? Energy is defines as the ability to do work and work is defined as moving something against a force like gravity...

There are many different kinds of energy in the universe but here we will be talking about metabolic energy - energy that comes from our food.

Modern nutrition does not consider or preserve the quality of our food. In fact, what it does do is divides food into parts and disregards the food as a whole.

Nutrition is not complicated. In fact, it is simple, quick and easy to understand. Here are 4 helpful tips you should know to increase energy when you, the caregiver needs it the most.

First, drink a full glass of room temperature water every morning. Many people take their last drink at dinner. For most, 12 hours or more could have passed. Your body is thirsty - hydrate it.

Second, eat more vegetables. Vegetables are the food missing most from the average American diet but contains the most energy. Especially, leafy greens.

Third, eat less or no fast food. The most commonly consumed vegetable products in America are French fries, potato chips and ketchup.

Fourth, stop eating sugar all day. Soda will actually rob you of energy, not give you more. If you are craving sugar try substituting white processed sugar with natural sugars such as a sweet potatoes or honey.

People need to simply eat more vegetables, eat more whole foods, drink more water, eat less or no fast food, drink less or no soda and stop eating sugar all day. If you follow these guidelines you will feel lighter and more energized throughout the day.

My mission in life is to help caregivers understand that fatigue is optional and there are ways to overcome it. You are in the midst of a major crisis and need as much energy as possible. You must learn what to eat and where to find the energy so you stay as healthy as possible.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathi_E_Naumann

Easy Ways To Find Heart Healthy Foods

Often a routine visit with your health care professional can end with a smile and a strong recommendation to eat more heart healthy foods. To some of us this may seem like an impossible assignment, but it really isn't. To find heart healthy foods visit your favorite grocery store. Even though you probably won't find an aisle labeled "Heart Healthy Food" at your favorite grocery store, you can find a good variety of heart healthy foods there. Most of these foods are fiber rich foods. High fiber foods are good for your heart health, digestion, and weight loss. Whether you want to or need to lower your cholesterol, fiber lowers your levels of LDL "bad" cholesterol. A simple strategy can help you to find these foods easily and quickly. We suggest you use your heart healthy food shopping list as your map. Although a map is rarely a picture of the entire territory, it is always best to start with a map and use it. This list will remind you of what you went there to do. It will also keep you on task and reduce the urge to buy unhealthy foods. To make your grocery store experience effective buy only the foods you intend to eat. In your quest for heart healthy foods, your map will take you down various food aisles. We suggest you begin with some of the high fiber foods in the produce aisle. If you favorite grocery store has produce aisles with affordable fresh fruits and vegetables have at it. Fill your cart with a variety of fruits and vegetables to assure you get the heart healthy food benefits that both offer.

As a rule, with vegetables the darker color of the fiber content. Choose fiber rich foods like broccoli, Swiss chard or Collard greens. Select vegetables that are of medium size such as red, russet, or sweet potatoes, and onions which all have good amounts of fiber. Apples, avocados, kiwi fruit, oranges, pears, blueberries, cherries, and strawberries are fresh fruits and excellent sources of fiber.

However, if prices are out of your range or fresh fruits and vegetables are not available, the canned goods and dry goods aisles offer good alternatives. Recognize that some refined or processed canned fruits and vegetables are lower in fiber. Please avoid those canned with sugars or lard which can sabotage the best heart healthy food eating efforts. Before you add canned fruits and vegetables to your shopping cart read the labels carefully.

Finally, as you cruise down the dry goods-aisle remember that all beans are fiber-rich foods, and navy and white beans are the most fiber dense.Garbanzo beans, also called chickpeas, kidney,Lima, pinto beans are also good heart healthy food choices to put in your cart. Use beans as flavorful addition to soups or salads and transform them into mouth-watering and lip-smacking experiences. Be adventurous and try other legumes which are also high in fiber. Now that you know how easy it is to find heart healthy foods, you can eat more of them. You'll feel better and look better, and have more energy.

Seek out a a good heart health coach to assist you along your healthy heart diet journey. Accountability will make a difference in ability to keep your commitment for life.

At http://www.Optimumhearthealth.com we offer step by step coaching for individuals who want to and need a change for life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frederick_Garnes

Wrist Injuries and Treatments

Wrist Sprains

The most common sporting injury to the wrist is a wrist sprain. There are many ligaments in the wrist that can be torn or stretched, resulting in a sprained wrist. This commonly occurs when the wrist is bent forcefully or in a fall onto an outstretched hand. Sprains to the wrist can range from mild to severe and are graded depending upon the degree of ligament injury that exists.

Grade 1 - mild sprain where the ligaments are stretched but not torn

Grade 2 - moderate sprain where the ligaments are partially torn

Grade 3 - severe sprains that occur when there is significant complete tearing of ligaments

With grade 1 sprains, there is some mild discomfort and decreased range of motion. With grade 2 sprains there is more serious loss of function. Grade 3 sprains result when the ligament tears away from the bone and require surgical treatment. Many times this tearing leads to a small chip of the bone being torn away with the ligament. This is known as an avulsion fracture.

The most common symptoms of a wrist sprain include:

Swelling of the wrist

Bruising or discoloration of the skin around the wrist

Pain at the time of the injury

A feeling of popping or tearing inside the wrist

Persistent pain when you move your wrist

Tenderness at the injury site

A warm or feverish feeling to the skin around the wrist

Most sprains can be treated with immobilization and rest. However, your orthopedic specialist may have to perform surgery to correct your wrist injury. This all depends on the severity of the sprain and intensity of the torn ligament. Surgery involves reconnecting the ligament to the bone. This procedure is followed by a period of rehabilitation with exercises to strengthen your wrist and restore motion. Although the ligament can be expected to heal in 6 to 8 weeks, rehabilitation for a full recovery could take several months.

Other Injuries of the Wrist

Tendinosis - This is a syndrome that involves a series of very small tears (called microtears) in the tissue in and around the tendon. Common symptoms are pain, tenderness, decreased strength of the wrist, and limited movement.

De Quervain's Tendonitis - This can occur in the hand and wrist when the thumb extensor tendons and the sheath covering these tendons swells and becomes inflamed. This leads to pain, tenderness, and decrease in motion of the wrist.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - This is caused by pressure on the median nerve in the wrist. The symptoms of this syndrome include numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain in the fingers, hand and wrist areas.

Colles' Fracture - This type of fracture is a break across the radius that occurs when the hand is extended out during a fall. The break occurs causing the wrist to become shortened and extended. Teens that enjoy outdoor sporting activities often develop these types of fractures because falls often occur.

Symptoms of a Colles' fracture include inability to straighten the wrist or to hold heavy objects, distortion in the shape or angle of the forearm above the wrist, and pain and swelling of the injured area. Many of these fractures are not severe and you can be placed in a splint and sling. Sometimes, the orthopedic specialist applies a fiberglass cast. More severe fractures may require surgery including placement of pins or plates and screws. Recovery from this injury ranges from 6 weeks to 6 months depending on the severity of the fracture.

Visit Dr. Weil's website to learn more about the procedures he offers, including treatments for carpal tunnel and trigger finger release.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_Wayne_Weil

Things You Should Know About Keratin Complex

It is common knowledge that keratin is a part of hair, nails, and teeth. Keratin is a very strong protein which is a combination of 28 amino acids and the main component that forms the external layer of nails and hair (85-90%). This protein is a key to strong, healthy, and shiny hair and nails. Sun exposure, hard water, or chemical procedures (like perm, hair straightening, hair coloring) can damage them and make them look unhealthy or flaky. They may also become dry and brittle. To return them to life, you should refill them with keratin. For this purpose keratin complex was created.

As one can surmise from the name, it is a complex that contains keratin. It makes up a deficiency of natural constituents, improves and protects the body parts named above. It is used in keratin treatment and is absolutely harmless, unless the complex contains formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is known to be very harmful in big amounts. The appropriate level of formaldehyde is less than 1 percent.

Keratin for Hair

Keratin is widely used in hair treatment. It can control frizz, correct damaged hair, and restore it back to its beauty of late. Keratin complex can be used for any hair type and is an excellent moisturizer, restorative, and provides nutrition from the inside but it doesn't straighten your hair once and for all. The procedure of hair straightening gives only a temporary effect. Depending on the hair type, it can last from three to five months. After this period of time the procedure should be repeated. The wonderful thing with keratin treatment is that with each procedure keratin accumulates in hairs, and the effect lasts longer and becomes more intensive. It can be also done after dyeing, highlighting, and perm.

Keratin hair straightening can be done both at a beauty parlor and at home, though beauty parlor is preferable, since the workers there should be qualified. The procedure lasts for about two-three hours and its effect can be seen immediately after the very first treatment.

The direct results you can see: hair becomes shiny and looks much more healthy; curly, fluffy hair becomes smooth and straight; hair is safeguarded against harmful ultraviolet light, smog, and other ecological factors; split ends repair.

Keratin can be added to shampoos, conditioners, and some other cosmetics to make your hair more resistant to damage, stronger, and often more manageable. They also help in restoring keratin to the necessary level and reducing breakage in the hair.

Keratin for Nails

Though this complex is used for hair more often, it can be also used for nail treatment. A regenerative complex that contains keratin is a certain path to turn your brittle and flaking nails into beautiful and healthy ones. The complex for nails is usually sold in vials and should be rubbed in the nail roots. Only several procedures would be enough to make your nails gorgeous again!

Useful information about keratin complex, hair treatment and about the best keratin treatment you may see by click this link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_O'Neal

Best Foods for Bodybuilding

There are two major reasons why obesity is on the rise. People are not moving their bodies (exercising) and the consumption of processed, high fat foods is skyrocketing. Bad food choices are a key factor that seriously increases your weight and creates a multitude of health problems. Beer and chips do not create muscle!

You need not to go Mars however to find something special to bulk up and build your muscles. You can find the most powerful muscle building foods in your local supermarket.

Identifying Bad and Good Foods

The simple logic to finding good food is - looking for food that is high is value such as protein, the right amount of carbohydrates and good fats, vitamins and minerals.

Bad foods are generally foods that are ready to serve in 5 minutes like - burgers, pizzas, hotdogs, various forms of pre-cooked and processed meats, battered fish and chips, potato chips, ice cream, cold drinks and sweet dishes that contains high volume of sugar. Alcoholic beverages like beer and wine also add a huge amount of unnecessary calories to your body.

Before we move forward, we need to know, what kind of food builds your muscles? Well, the answer is those that are protein rich. Only a protein rich diet can build your muscles by supplying the necessary amino acids to complete the protein chain for successful muscle building. Basically, our body requires a number of proteins to build muscles, so it is essential that you consume different proteins in order to complete the protein chain.

Here is a brief list of those foods that can help you to bulk up:


This is an affordable and very useful protein source for body builders. The main benefit of egg protein is that it absorbs very quickly and gives you amazing results. But keep in mind that you should only have the egg white not the egg yolk, as egg yolks contain large amounts of cholesterol. Usually, one egg contains 50kcal with 84% of protein, 0% fat and only 8% of carbohydrates. It is cheap and a very good staple food for bodybuilders.

Turkey and Chicken
Both are excellent sources of lean meat. Red meat is good for muscle building but it has some drawbacks. You can't consume red meat in large volume, because it creates digestive problems and other issues - whereas chicken and turkey don't cause those problems. Usually, a chicken or turkey breast contains 9 grams of protein (approx) and they are a very good source of vitamin B and phosphorous.

Fish is another great source of protein and it contains nearly 0% carbohydrates. It should be a regular part of your diet. Fish not only contains protein, they also contain several other important fatty acids like omega -3. Omega-3 and other essential fatty acids keep your heart healthy, is great for your skin and for maintaining brain function (and intelligence). It also very good for your eyes. If you are trying to reduce your weight, then you can't eliminate fish from your diet as fish oil is very good for reducing fat. Fish is easier to digest than beef or pork. Just don't have it battered!

Other foods
Other high protein food include nuts, legumes and beans, cheese, red meat, yogurt, and spinach, which all work very well for muscle building. You must also hydrate your body with plain water at regular intervals to avoid dehydration. For serious body builders, check out the range of protein powders to give you a real muscle building edge. Coupled with a fruit and berry shake, these can improve your efforts ten fold.
For more information, and recommendations for products and services to give your workout a power boost, visit http://www.bodybuilding-australia.com.au. Be in the best shape you can be!

Are you a beginner, or maybe you are an experienced bodybuilder. It is essential you know how to care for your body to get the very best result. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle or gain shape, understanding the fundamentals is important. Visit http://www.bodybuilding-australia.com.au for more tips, and essential products and services to support you to reach your goal.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_J_Peterson

The Shoes You Need For A Mud Run

While more and more people are becoming mud run regulars, a lot of people who arrive on race day, to tackle the course, are first timers. Not only are they green, with regards to the type of race they are about to encounter, but they are also ignorant on the type of equipment they need, specifically a good pair of shoes.
Mud runs, as you may already know, are races designed (you guessed it!) to get you dirty. You will be required to run through mud, dirt, water, and other types of natural obstacles, as well as manmade ones. You have probably also seen the pictures of the piles of muddy shoes that are stacked up after the race. Many people think that these races destroy your shoes and they can never be used again, so they wear an old pair. This wrong on a lot of levels and could cause an injury during the race.

 First things first, if you have not already done so, you need to research and buy a good pair of trail running shoes, at least two weeks, before your race. Trail running shoes are designed to be taken through dirt, gravel, and mud. They are built to protect your toes from protruding roots and rocks, while providing comfort and stability on a dirt path. The good news is that all of the major shoe brands make a trail running shoe line. These shoes also fit into everyone's budget as they range anywhere from $60 to $150.

If you will be buying a pair of these shoes, for an upcoming mud run, make sure you get them at least two weeks so you will have adequate time to break them in. Like any race, blisters or other irritations, can really impact and limit you on race day.

Cleaning trail running shoes is also very easy. After the race, make sure you remove the shoe's tongue and clean it separately; hose off the entire shoe, making sure you get most or all of the mud off. The mud that is stuck in the hard to reach places (tread) can be cleaned with a little hand soap and toothbrush. Once rinsed off, place your shoes outside to air dry (do not place in the dryer!). Your shoes should be fine within 24 to 48 hours.

Trail running shoes will also last you through at least 3 to 4 mud runs, per year. If you run a lot, plan on having to buy a new pair, every 6 to 8 months. Checking the tread is a good indicator of when you will need to get new shoes.

If you liked this article on mud run shoes and would like to learn more tips on mud runs and the gear you may need, please visit my blog Mud Runner.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_M_Wood

What Do I Gain From First Aid Training Classes?

Accidents don't happen with a prior warning, they occur when you least expect them, and you need to be able to think quickly on your feet and respond to them immediately. Out of the many ways of responding to accidents, knowing how to deal with and treat injuries immediately, before professional help can be sought is the most important. In circumstances when an accident has taken place, people make the mistake of panicking and make wring decisions as a result of that. This may aggravate the injury that is sustained by the accident victim.

In order to avoid a haphazard response to accidents, and to ensure the best care possible for accident victims, it's necessary that we attend first aid training classes. Basically, in first aid training, you will learn about how you can deal with and treat minor injuries that are sustained in small accidents. Obviously, if the injury is very serious, you will need medical attention to help you out. But, with first aid training, you will be taught how you can stop a serious injury from getting worse, until the patient is transported to a medical facility.

Those who have received first aid training, and are certified to perform first aid, receive a certificate in return. This gives them a professional qualification of dealing with injuries, not only at home, but also at places at school and various work places. It is a qualification that is worth adding to your resume or CV. Certain jobs prefer candidates with such qualifications, for example, schools will always prefer a candidate with first aid certification over one who doesn't, as a teacher.

It is possible for you to receive some first aid training online, but it is very important that you choose a site that is renowned and recognized. For example, w very renowned NGO by the name of Red Cross is offering some online courses that will assist people who want to prepare for the certification test they have to take to receive the first aid certification. The Red Cross allows some other representatives to offer these courses on their behalf as well, so you can always turn to a representative to learn about first aid training. If you are choosing a representative provider, you should always check the affiliation it has with Red Cross. Furthermore, you should also check if the representative is affiliated with other organizations like the American Heart Association. If you receive training from a false representative, you will not qualify to receive the certification no matter how hard you worked. In order to receive the certification, you should be able to secure 75% and above on your written and practical test.

Online training is preferred more nowadays because it is more convenient for people who are working and find it hard to take out time and attend training sessions at an institute in person. They are able to make use of their free time at their own convenience if they choose online training.

If you want to learn more about first aid training, you can always get in touch with Lifesaver Team CPR for more information. Log onto their website http://lifesaverteamcpr.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aisha_A_Rahman

Weight Loss For Women Weight Training

Weight Training Myth

Well here's a fact - the main hormone for increasing muscle mass when weight training is Testosterone, now this hormone is obviously in both men and women and it is this that creates the big muscles through weight training, however women only have about 7% of testosterone their male counterpart has, this means you can go to the gym or do your own home workouts and do the same training as the men but you will only ever make 7% of the muscle mass gains as the men. Because of this genetic make up no matter how hard you train you will not end up like Mr Universe.

Weight training will help you lose weight quicker than cardiovascular and aerobic workouts with the added benefits of increased strength, firmer and more toned muscles, stronger bone density and increased flexibility.
Women body builders who get very muscular use Anabolic Steroids (synthetic testosterone) plus other drugs to get that high degree of muscle mass definition.

Weight Training Increases Chest Size

Unfortunately weight training will not improve chest size, due to the fact that women's breasts are mainly fatty tissue and it is a physical impossibility for fat to turn into muscle, therefore weight training will not give you bigger breasts as weight training loses fat, if you go below 12% body fat your breast size will however decrease, weight training does however increase your back size, so when measuring this increased size probably gets mixed up with cup size.

Weight Training Makes You Stiff and Muscle Bound

We have already established the fact that as a woman your testosterone levels are only 7% that of a man so you are not going to generate lots of muscle mass, therefore we are not going to become muscle-bound.
Regarding making you stiff, the trick is, whatever exercise you are doing you need to take it through its full range of movement, for example, exercise like flyers, dead lifts, chin ups and presses stretch the muscle in its bottom range of movement, so by performing the exercises properly through their full range of movement your stretching abilities will be increased.

If You Stop Your Muscles Will Turn to Fat

This is like turning gold into silver. It is a physical impossibility for muscle tissue to turn into fat as they are two completely different types of tissue.

What happens is when you stop training completely you start to lose muscle through the lack of activity (as the old saying goes "use it or lose it") ideally when you get your ideal body rather than stop you should train at least once a week and do an overall body workout, this will put you in maintenance mode, stick to your good eating habits and this one workout a week will keep you in shape.

If you fall back into your old eating habits coupled with a slower metabolism due to inactivity it will make it look like your muscle is turning into fat, but actually you are losing muscle and gaining fat.

Long term weight loss doesn't come easy but doing it the right way the benefits out way the hard work, the right information is essential to reach your goals quickly and safely and the right supplements will add a boost a long with the right nutrition. Get on the right track now lose your first 2kg within a week and carry on getting firmer, fitter, leaner and stronger start now free advice at I need to lose weight

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darren_A_Anthony

Ideas for Low Calorie Meals

Many of us have an ongoing battle with our weight, and with more and more people leading hectic lives in and outside of work, there is little time left to start preparing and cooking healthy meals. It's no wonder we are tempted to reach for unhealthy snacks that are convenient, and ultimately high in fat, sugar or salt. But with so many different low calorie meals available, which are also extremely quick and simple to prepare, we can now eat healthily without too much effort. If you want to manage your weight successfully there are different types of restricted calorie and total food replacement diets that you can follow, although it is recommended that you seek advice from your doctor beforehand.

But how do we know which weight loss meals are going to be right for us and which will work?

Like with any other food products you would normally buy from the supermarket, make sure you check the labels of the low calorie meals you are considering buying. The EU has specific requirements and guidelines that these types of weight loss products must adhere to, ensuring they contain essential proteins, vitamins and nutrients to keep our bodies healthy, which is vital when undertaking any kind of weight loss programme. It is also advisable to read online reviews about the products you are considering trying, as they can often give useful insights into their effectiveness and quality. Look out for low calorie meals that replicate the aromas, consistency and flavours of real food; these tend to be much tastier, giving you a more authentic experience.
Some of the products you can buy include spaghetti bolognese, simple cottage pie and a red bean chilli meal. As well as providing low calorie meals, many weight management companies also offer a wide range of other products that can be used as part of a calorie controlled diet, such as total food replacement shakes, meal replacement bars and weight loss soups. Diet foods that are high in protein generally keep you fuller for longer, and you are less likely to crave snacks in between meals.

So if you want to lose weight, or to just stay slim and healthy, shop around for the best low calorie meals. Dieting doesn't have to be an uphill struggle when you find the right tools and products to help you. However, and most importantly, make sure you consult your pharmacist and doctor before embarking on any kind of restricted calorie diet.

eontu is a professional weight management company that provides quality total food replacement, VLCD and RCD products.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sue_Talbot

4 Reasons To Start Working Out And Getting Healthy

In today's health conscious world, we have seen a rise in the mainstream media about gyms, yoga, Pilates and the rise of Zumba. Each of these offers a different style of exercising to maintain our health. There are hundreds of celebrities who endorse this form or that form of exercise. But, the message is always the same: Exercise and get healthy. There are 4 very good reasons to start doing just that.

The rise in healthcare costs

The costs of health insurance and medical bills are skyrocketing. It is estimated that healthcare costs were $2.6 trillion in 2010. Much of this is from government programs. Many people are looking for alternatives to avoiding spending income that is truly needed for other things. The benefits of exercising have long been established. It can reduce risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, just of name a few of the major conditions. Reducing our risks for these conditions/diseases will ultimately lead to less money out of your pocket for health care.

It can be emotionally uplifting

When we perform certain activities like yoga, Pilates or other forms of exercise, we find that it affects our mind as well. We get a sense of well being, or being at peace with ourselves and the world. This is because endorphins are released when we do these activities. Endorphins are what make our minds feel good.

It can help improve relationships

Doing things together such as going to the gym as a family can help you to improve your overall relationships. Spending time as a family is a great benefit from exercising. You could also just take walks together. If you have dogs, take them with you. This gives your family a chance to exercise, talk about things in a non-confrontational atmosphere and gives your dogs a chance to get out too.

Weight loss

If you want to lose weight, this is the best way to do it. It cannot be done with diet alone. Increasing you caloric output each day, will help your body to begin to use the excess that we have stored up. It is estimated that 2/3 of all adult Americans are overweight or obese. Some arise from conditions, but exercise can improve those conditions as well.

Being healthy in today's world is a major concern of everyone. Exercising, either at a gym or at home, we can increase our health, decrease our weight and make us feel better about ourselves. What other reasons do you need to start today?

Would you like more information? Visit the professionals over at crossfitsupercharged.com today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Viktoria_Carella

3 Reasons You Should Drink More Water

Most people do not drink enough water. The average person drinks much less water than their body requires. How much water should you be drinking on a daily basis? Well, you will find this same answer many places; the answer is 8 cups of water a day. Soda is no substitute for water. When I say 8 cups of water, I mean 8 cups of pure water.

There are many reasons why you should be drinking more water. Ideally you should try to drink more water than the recommended eight cups a day. Some of the reasons why this is true might not have crossed your mind before. We will only be covering a few of the reasons but keep in mind that there are many more reasons you should drink more water.

1. Water cleans out your system. Toxins from foods and drink that you take into your body are flushed out through your kidneys. The more water you drink, the more it will run through your kidneys and the more you will urinate. The more you urinate, the more toxins and other impurities you will be getting rid of.
As the water cleans your body out, you will feel cleaner as a result. Instead of feeling like crud, you will feel like you are as clean as you were when you first got out of the shower (almost).

2. Water keeps you hydrated. This is an obvious reason. It is a simple fact that the more water you drink the more hydrated you are. Your body is mostly water so it makes sense that we need to keep replacing it to function properly.

When you are hydrated you feel healthier. You can also function better at a higher performance. Being hydrated feels great and it is great for you.

3. Water helps you lose weight. This kind of goes along with being hydrated. The burning of calories requires water to work efficiently. When you are dehydrated, it slows down this process.
Water also improves the efficiency of the digestive system. On top of this, since being hydrated makes you feel better and perform better, you can exercise more efficiently. All of this causes you to lose more weight faster.

It is simple and easy to drink more water. The best way for you to drink more water is to take a water bottle around with you. Have it by you at all times and always try to have it as close to full as possible. If that isn't convenient, at least try to drink plenty of water at lunch time and when ever you can find time to get a drink. It is simple to do and it is well worth it.

A great way to be sure you are drinking water through out the day is to pack a water bottle with your lunch. If you don't have a lunch bag, a great kind of lunch bag is a neoprene lunch bag called the Gourmet Getaway. You can also make your own by following a lunch bag pattern.

Stay hydrated!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zoe_Jane

The Three "R's" of Summer

What makes a successful summer? When you think about success, you oftentimes think about achieving important goals; maybe financial, fitness, or educational goals. The goal of summer is different. The goal of summer is to take a vacation to Relax, Reflect, and Recharge. When you accomplish the Three R's, chances are, you will return to life better equipped to achieve all your other goals.

The many benefits of vacation time are well documented. Vacations prevent the inevitable burn-out you experience when doing the same thing over and over, day after day, at home and at the office. Vacations reduce stress, rejuvenate, invigorate and restore you mentally, physically and emotionally. According to some research findings the positive effects of a good get-away can last for up to as much as five weeks after the vacation. Research subjects reported that they slept better, had less physical complaints, and were in an overall better mood than before the vacation.

The Three "R's" of Summer:

1. Relax. According to Merriam Webster, relax means "to make less tense or rigid; to seek rest or recreation." What are those things you tend to be rigid about in your day-to-day life that you need a break from? For me it's the everyday schedule of everyone in our home. To relax for me is to truly rest, let go, hang out, not worry and live blissfully unaware of what time it is. I don't check e-mail or my phone. I "unplug" from all technology. Relaxing enables you to empty your brain from a never-ending "to-do" list. The clouds of everyday stress and responsibilities part and your mental and emotional vision becomes clearer after a time of relaxing.

2. Reflect. This naturally follows a time of relaxing. Being away from your everyday life helps you to see it more clearly. An article in the International Business Times stated, "A good vacation can help us to reconnect with ourselves, operating as a vehicle for self-discovery and helping us get back to feeling our best." You can be more objective when you aren't under the everyday pressures and responsibilities of life. This is a time you can evaluate what's working and what isn't working for you and plan appropriate changes if needed.
3. Recharge by definition is - "to regain energy or spirit to charge again; to restore anew the active materials in; to inspire or invigorate afresh." Wow, I don't think there is a person on this planet that couldn't use energy, charge, restoration and being invigorated. Batteries don't last forever. You either replace them or recharge them. Your personal batteries are the same. You must recharge to be at your personal best. A summertime vacation is a great battery charging station. So pull over, plug-in and recharge.

The Three "R's" of summer will enable you to return to life fresh, and finish the second half of your year strong!

Kaylene Mathews is the President and owner of KSMLifeCoaching LLC. She offers both personal and group coaching services as well as PeopleMap assessments and training workshops for individuals, groups and corporate teams in the DFW area. For more information visit: http://ksmlifecoaching.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kaylene_S_Mathews

Relaxation Tips For Busy Women

Sometimes it feels like being a woman is synonymous with being busy. Keeping on top of everything can seem like an insurmountable task some days, and getting stressed about it actually makes us less effective and less able to cope. Many women are looking for ways to reduce their daily stress so they are calmer and more relaxed in the day to day reality of being a modern woman.

Put time aside for yourself

If you can put aside a little time for yourself every week you will find you are better able to cope with the demands of the day to day. It gives you something to look forward to where you know it is for you. You will find that with a certain amount of time put aside for yourself every week you will be calmer and a lot happier. You will gather your thoughts, regroup for the week ahead and have that downtime from the demands of work and family which can be so draining.


No, I didn't type medication... Meditation does not have to be done on a yoga mat or chanting an ohm... It can take as little as ten minutes or as long as hours. You will find a meditation to suit you and you will find that with practice and repetition your ability to quiet your mind and rebalance will become easier. Sit or lie comfortably, focus on your breathing in and then out. Clear your mind of distractions. Initially you will find everything from your shopping list to your mum's birthday dinner will float through your mind, the trick is to acknowledge them silently and let them go. If you find yourself thinking hard on a topic focus on your breathing - a deep breath in and a deep breath out telling yourself to let go of that thought with the breath. The more frequently you practice meditation the better you will become at clearing your mind and you will find that you are more relaxed upon completion.


If you don't have the time or the funds to splash out on a professional massage for an hour then consider giving yourself a massage. A loving partner will also do the trick but if you are stressed after a long day soaking your feet in warm water fragranced with essential oils can relax. Follow this with a good foot rub and massage in some of your favourite moisturizer. If you have time you can splash on some nail color.


Its included in all stress buster lists for a reason! No matter that you feel like all you want is a chocolate bar and some Sex In The City reruns, a run or other vigorous exercise will actually get your endorphins firing and make you feel better in the long run. It will make you less likely to eat the emergency chocolate you were reaching for half an hour ago before you went on your run and it will burn calories to boot. You can't lose with extra exercise as a stress buster.


When all you've got is thirty seconds before you throw your computer or perhaps a work colleague out the window take those thirty seconds and breathe. Walk away from the situation, close your eyes and breath in a long breath through your nose and then breath it all out again through your nose. If it helps, imagine breathing in calm white light and breathing out all of your pent up stress. When we get stressed we tend to shallow breathe - this will get oxygen back into your body and believe it or not in thirty seconds your life will seem a little more balanced. Plus nothing will have been snapped in half through sheer frustration.

As women in a busy world we deal with stress every day. Some days its more difficult than others and the smallest thing can set us off, other days we are so on our game that nothing pushes our buttons. A little stress is good for us, but too much is bad for our health. Have a plan on how you deal with stress when it hits you. If you have a plan you will be better prepared and your coping mechanisms will be in place. Take time out for yourself, thirty seconds, a half hour or even a day off if you have the time. A happy healthy woman is better equipped to look after herself and her family and that includes us being mentally healthy.

If you are suffering from stress and anxiety you are only damaging your own inner health and well being. Tanya enjoys writing for her blog Wealth, Success and Women and helping women achieve inner balance. If you would like more information on meditation and women's health check out her meditation article on her blog http://wealthsuccessandwomen.com/beat-stress-with-meditation/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tanya_U._Ananin

Improve Health and Wellness Through Meditation

Our lives are so busy that one is surrounded with so much of stress and tension. Mental relief is what one is looking for as stress is not only causing mental but physical fatigue that result in a number of health problems. Though exercise is a great way to keep fit but it does not relax your brain which is most important. Therefore to improve health and wellness, you can try meditation which provides both mental and physical relief to the body. You can not only focus on your work but also feel tension free for the rest of the day. Owing to the number of benefits it provides, more people are turning towards meditation and finding it a great option.

What is meditation?

Meditation is nothing but a technique to keep fit and healthy. It is also known as "relaxation response" and came into existence around the 1970's. As the technique provides a number of health benefits therefore even the therapists have declared it the best way to overcome the stress and get a soothing feeling. A 10 minute meditation is enough to keep you active for the entire day and concentrate more on your work. According to the recent research it has been found that meditation is also useful in curing diseases like cancer and AIDS. People have found a huge relief from their pain and have obtained plenty of health benefits.

Meditation sometimes is also called the relaxation technique where you increase your concentration by speaking a word many times. Usually meditation is done in open air so that you can feel the fresh air and explore the beauty of nature too. Sitting is an open and quiet place is a good though as there is no distraction and you can meditate in a better way. Another way to concentrate is to close your eyes and think about the good things. Just focus on the positive things and continue doing it for about 10-20 minutes. You can even set an alarm so that you can relax for that amount of time. Slowly open your eyes and you will definitely feel the difference. Trying these methods will surely improve health and wellness.

What are the problems faced during meditation?

When you start with meditation, it will be a bit difficult for you but as soon as you get used to it, there are lots of things that you can try. The very first thing that you should do is to get a state of relaxation. This is only possible when you have practiced it for a few days. The preferred time for meditation is early in the morning when you can feel the fresh air and get relaxed. Even if you are unable to spare time in the morning, evenings are a good option. But make sure that do not eat for about two hours before and after meditation.

So if you wish to improve health and wellness then meditation is surely an excellent option that brings a number of health benefits with no side effects.

For more advice on how to improve health and wellness, Visit my YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/WellnessRevolution13 and subscribe for future videos.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_M_Monfort