Want tasty, easy, affordable foods packed with extra nutrients, try these super foods. They are extra healthy foods that can stop us from getting some nasty diseases. And the fun part, these are foods that are readily available and most people love to eat. These foods includes fresh fruits and vegetables, oats, yogurt, nuts and oily fish, (salmon, herring, sardines etc)
Oily fish
Oily fish are slightly more calorific and fattening, however they contain omega 3 fats that reduce blood clotting and inflammation, prevent depression, and protect against the onset of dementia. Studies show that eating oily fish dramatically reduces the risk of having a heart attack, even in older adults. You can also get protein, vitamins and minerals from oily fish.
Fresh fruits and vegetables
There is no argument about the benefits of a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, however, there are some fruits rich in anti-oxidants and they include apples, bananas. Dieticians claims that fruits and vegetables helps lower blood pressure,reduce risk of heart disease, stroke, and probably some cancers; lower risk of eye and digestive problem; and a mellowing effect on blood sugar that can help keep appetite in check. Go for colours-try a variety of fruits and vegetables in all the colours that they are available to give your body the mix of nutrients it needs. The yellow of pawpaw, pineapple, red of watermelon, strawberry colours, the greens. Mix and eat for that needed boost to your immunity.
In some parts of the world this is a staple breakfast meal but we are yet to embrace it fully. The health benefits of oats are simply too much for us to pass up. They are especially good, if you are trying to prevent heart disease or diabetes. Beta-glucan which you find in oats helps lower cholesterol.it also helps if you are watching your weight as it fills you up for longer.
what's tasty and has loads of health benefits, its yoghurt.doctors have told us there is need for healthy dose of live "good" bacteria in your body especially in the digestive tract and immune system.to get the benefit of yoghurt,try the one that says probiotic. Probiotic, literally means "for life", refers to living organisms that can result in a health benefit when eaten in adequate amounts.
Being a diary product, it also means you will get all the benefits of animal protein and others like calcium, vitamin B-2, B-12, potassium, and magnesium.
This is super food comes in small packaging. These bite-size nutritional powerhouses are packed with heart-healthy fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that people who enjoy nuts are less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease. Walnuts and almonds can lower cholesterol, and patients with insulin resistant problems like diabetes mellitus type 2 can also benefit from eating nuts.
It is now obvious that one does not need to spend a lot of money in order to eat quality food that might prolong your life.so dig in and buy yourself some extra time, barring freak accidents.
Do You Know What It Takes To Fight Diseases From Our Body Through The Foods We Eat On A Daily Basis?
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