Speed Up Your Metabolism With These Easy Tips

Here are five easy ways to get your metabolism to speed up...

1 - Eat smaller, more frequent meals

"Starving" rarely helps you lose weight - in fact, it does the opposite. You don't want your body to think you may not eat for a long time, because it will go into "starvation mode" and STOP burning calories!

So start eating smaller meals more often - every 3 to 4 hours is good - and eat of nutrient-dense foods that give you good energy. That will train your body to use its natural fat burning mechanisms.

2 - Drink more water

When you don't drink enough water, your internal organs don't function optimally. So drink at least 64 ounces of purified water daily, and even more if you are more than 20 pounds overweight or if you exercise a lot. To give that plain water some variety, try adding lemon, lime or grapefruit slices to it.

3 - Work out with weights

Cardio is great, but it's not enough. Weight training 3 times a week increases lean muscle which triggers your metabolism to speed up. The more muscle you have, the more energy required to maintain it - which means you're body will naturally burn more calories.

Before starting a weight training regime, consult your doctor and talk with a trainer at your gym. You want to be sure you use the proper form when you do weights so to prevent injury. The great thing about weight training is that you don't need equipment to do it anywhere - crunches, squats, leg lifts, and push-ups are as good as weights when you're on the road or can't go to the gym.

4 - Ban the sugar!

Sugary snacks and dessert make your blood sugar levels spike and drop, which encourages a problem called "insulin resistance." This means your body stops processing sugar efficiently and starts to store it as fat almost immediately. Yes, that phrase "Just apply this ice cream directly to my gut" is really true if you have insulin resistance!

If you crave sweets, replace sugary treats with small servings of fresh fruits, raw vegetables, lean proteins, and nuts. Over time, your cravings for sugar will fade substantially - it's only when you keep eating sugar that you keep craving it!

5 - Drink green tea

There is substantial evidence to suggest that green tea has metabolism and fat burning properties. If you get the jitters from caffeine, please know that green does have some, though it's less than one-third of the caffeine in coffee. The antioxidants in green tea are great immune boosters and can prevent cell damage which contributes to disease.

Increasing your metabolism won't happen overnight. But by implementing just a few of the tips above every day, you can reverse that sluggish metabolism and teach your system to burn fat much more efficiently!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kanshob_Alexander_Azhakhov

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