What To Do When There Is No Time To Lose Weight

Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. - M. Scott Peck

There's a saying that goes: you will never know how unhealthy you are until you start feeling better.

Millions of people have gotten so used to a life without energy and spirit that they have forgotten how much better life could be when their bodies are working the way it's supposed to.

Do you feel this is true for your life? Do you feel as if you are just existing and not being intentional when it comes to your health and wellbeing?

One of the most common things that I hear stopping people from living a healthy and more energetic life is a lack of time... something I have struggled with in the past myself.

After spending time in reflection and being honest with myself I have come to realize this reasoning isn't exactly true.

Let's explore what I mean.

All of us have the same 24 hours in a single day and everyone has to deal with that same limitation.
If no one has more than 24 hours in a day, how do people get things done?

How are other working mothers able to find time to prepare healthy meals, not only for themselves, but their children as well? How are men with multiple jobs able to fit their workouts in?

I have a family, full time job, a business, and I am also the cook for our household. How am I able to fit in a workout regimen?

The real problem isn't that we have less time but that we have too many priorities. Which ones are we choosing and are they the right ones?

In this extremely fast-paced world, it is important for us to take steps back, do value checks, and look at where we are going before we end up there.

Here are some tips to help you "get your time back" or, in other words, use it more wisely when it comes to your health:
  1. Tie your health to your values. Ask yourself the right questions. How would extra energy improve the relationships with your spouse, significant other, or kids? If you have kids, what kind of impact would a healthy lifestyle be on their health and outlook on life? If you have a business or career, how would a clearer mind and more endurance affect your productivity? On a personal note, I lost my mother too early. She never took care of herself and it made me angry to not have her with me. Part of the reason I take care of myself is because I want to be around for my daughter.

  2. Change your focus. One of the things that Andrea and I had to give up was television. We still watch some, but not nearly what we used to. When we started out, it felt painful but now we don't miss it. Find something that you can shift your focus from so that you can have a happier life.

  3. Break the rules. Who says you have to workout in the morning? Who says it has to be 30 minutes? Who says you have to eat this or that? Find out what works for your lifestyle and build momentum towards more effectiveness. Eat one better meal a day or just become more active. It's way better than what you were doing before!

  4. Start small but effectively. Rome wasn't built in a day so don't think that you have to change your whole life. There are lots of things you could change but some are more effective than others. Being more active is one of the most significant things you can do... just make sure to do it consistently.

  5. Simplify, simplify, simplify. The simpler the changes you make, the more likely you will continue and grow. A change that I made and still continue to this day is drinking a high-quality meal replacement shake for breakfast. I used to skip breakfast and if I didn't, it was always a stop at a fast food restaurant. My mornings are so busy and I knew that I needed something that was easy and quick. Now I never miss jump-starting my metabolism in the morning and I feed my body extreme nutrition so that I don't get cravings and make bad decisions later in the day.
We all have choices to make but remember, we only get to live this life once. Imagine where you would be one year from now if you decided to change 3 things in favor of your health and you stuck with your plan.

By John Balauat
If you like this article, please visit my website for more tips, wisdom, and encouragement for weight loss and fitness. http://www.weightlosssurge.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_J_Balauat

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